Saturday, June 19, 2010

Long Week

I thought this week was never going to come to an end. It has been a very emotional and tiresome week, maybe month or even longer. I have had some stressful Dr. appointments lately that have left me very concerned with my health that have constantly lead to more tests and more Dr. appointments. Friday, I went in for another test and consultation with my Dr. that I was really dreading. I do not think I slept a wink all week worrying about Friday. This test could have changed my life dramatically. I was really concerned that the doctor was going to tell me the "C" word. The news came back mixed. Not confirmed cancer, but with the way I look at things is that it is not confirmed that it is not cancer. They have decided to play the "wait and see" game and actively watch and monitor the tumor. I found some relief with this, but also some more frustration. Uncertainty is VERY frustrating, but life must go on..............I have decided to try to put this in the back of my head and follow my boyfriends suggestion, "we will worry about it and deal with it when they figure out what it is to worry about".

Now back to school..... Been trying to stay up on all the assignments. Doing the best I can with all the other aspects in my life. Work has been very busy right. Good thing, because job security is very important for me right now. Heard back about my quiz 1 today. Very disappointed with my grade. Thought I would have done better. All I can say is that I am doing my best with the time I have to study and prepare. That is all I can ask of myself.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope it turns out to be something not-so-serious.

