Monday, May 31, 2010

Play time ahead

Time for another post. My life must be really boring.......... I am having a hard time finding things to write about twice a week. Another couple of days of work have passed, more reading and I am still trying to deal with learning about this computer. I still do not have enough time in the day to work full time and do school. Coffee is becoming my new best friend!!
I think I have successfully managed the assignment due for class this coming week. It took me some time to navigate the sites, and some slight frustration, but I think I figured it out. RefWorks seems to be a handy site for consolidating references. I am sure there are many other things this site is useful for that I have not discovered yet, but I feel I have got a good understanding of it. I really liked the ability to have the references turned into a bibliography and down loaded to my computer. Really handy and a lot quicker than me typing them all out!!! I have also not used Google that much. I liked the idea of Google Docs. It may be something that I will consider using more in the future.
Been reading the chapters in the text book. It is not a bad text book as text books go. I have it say it does not keep me awake at night, but I have most definitely have had to suffer through a lot of less interesting material and text books.
I am off to Bermuda tomorrow. I am sooooo excited, but I do have mixed feelings about the trip. This trip was planned a long time before I decided to return to school. Now I really worry this week away will put me so far behind in school, that it may not have been worth it. I sure hope not. My boyfriend and I are in need of some good time together and with me being in school again, our time together at home is almost slim to none. I have spent all weekend trying to get caught up on school and a little ahead, and will spend the weekend we return getting caught up again. I am hoping to be able to totally enjoy myself and only do some occasional reading (of course on the beach with a pina colada in hand). I return next Sunday. I will try to post some pics with my next posting.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fish out of water

I totally feel like a fish out of water when it comes to learning about computers. I just finished watching this weeks lecture and feel sooooo lost and confused. I sit and listen to the lectures and I feel like I am listening to them in another language!! I am really going to have to sit down and really look at this and reread the textbook chapters to get a better understanding. I am getting frustrated. Before this class, I knew just enough about computers to get by. Now I am trying to wrap my head around how they work.
I do have to say that I am really proud of myself when I am able to figure something out and it works!! I am a bit stresses about figuring out to do our assignment with RefWorks. Then I have to figure out Google docs. This is all new to me and I am afraid I am going to get real frustrated and confused. Either this could be something that I will get down pretty quickly, or it could be a total mess of a day and a big headache for me. Every turn is a learning curve and new step. Deep breath.
I am really happy I am finally learning about computers and can really see what I can really do on them, but I do have to say, I will be happy when this semester is over and we get into some of the other classes that I am really looking forward to. I know this is an important class, but I have to say, I am having a tough time keeping focused and interested.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Need more time

Where does the time go? I have yet to find the balance of everything. I have been trying my best to keep up with all the readings, but have been falling behind this week. Is anyone else struggling with time? I have a day off from work at the end of the week and I hope this will give me the time to get back on track.

I have been really enjoying the format of the courses and the lectures online. I am also getting more familiar with Blackboard and how to find all the resources. This is making me feel more comfortable with things.

Sorry this is so short, but not much has changed since my last post. Will try again later in the week when I have had more time to catch up on the readings and view the next lecture.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Balancing Act Begins

This is my first attempt at creating a blog, so I hope this goes well and I am not to boring for you guys or ramble to much........

I have survived the official second week of graduate school. Not to overwhelmed yet, but still trying to balance a full-time job, family and the new load of school work. For once, I am glad for my long commute to work on the commuter rail. It is a great opportunity to get some of the readings accomplished without taking more time away from my family. The amount of reading is a bit overwhelming for me right now, but I have hopes it will work itself out once I find a routine.

I am real excited about this program and the classes I am taking. It has taken me sometime to finally decide on this degree and I could not be happier with my choice and deciding on the online format. I was particularly concerned with the online format. I have taken a few online classes before for my undergrad, but worried this was going to be my only "regular class" meetings. So far, so good. Enjoying the flexibility of the lectures and the format.

I am not what you say the most techno person, but once I get involved, I am totally consumed. I am embarrassed to say, it took me to only a couple of years ago to get a digital camera. I was totally against the idea and loved photography and felt it was cheating to use a computers. I finally gave in and bought my first digital camera and have not looked back since. I am totally in love with it. In the past, I have mainly used my computer for very basic applications, web, email, word processing and most recently photo editing and storage. This class will be a large learning curve for me and an eye opening experience. I am sure there is going to be many times when I will want to throw the computer across the room, but hopefully I will conquer and embrace this "new to me" technology and become a computer geek!!!
